Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Members

When I came back home last night I heard `miao-miao' sound. It is from inside my house. After searching for where the sound is coming from and these are what I've found...

Little kittens. Five of them. Very cute kittens. My sister loves cats and kittens very much but I wonder whether she's going to take care of them or not. She hardly take care of herself. I still remember her hamsters, she seems to loved them very much but eventually she let the small ants took care of her hamsters and left `tulang' only. Hehehe, hope you are reading this sis.


My Reality and Fantasy Journey said...

kucing bulu gebu ada dak? nak gak sekoq, hehe

armetz said...

aku nak gak sekoq...

The Aminos said...

I'm gonna throw them away! he he