Monday, February 9, 2009

My Current Project ( Red Chilli Farm )

Nowadays all over the nation people are trying to venture into new business. Some people do this, some people do that but not many got lucky. One of the most popular business nowadays is chilli farming and I will not want to miss this opportunity too, I myself decided to give it a shot ! After all I'm a full time jobless guy so I have plenty of time to do what others can't do, like starting a chilli farm and writing this blog.

Do you see the photos up there? Not bad right, not bad at all. The price of red chilli per kg has hiked up very high. But those are not mine, mine actually down there..

Shit ! That's my red chillies.. I guess I'm not one of those lucky ones... Well.. I'm not going to give up just like that yet, going to start all over again and will update u guys soon.

p/s : can't wait for Pak Lah to step down and see what will happen to Khairy.


Anonymous said...

bro, can make dried chilli or not?

emmet said...

nice P.U on this chili.. hehehe

The Aminos said...

yes, can make dried chilli.